
Well That Was A Load Of

How do I load well data?

DUG Insight reads well data from text files. Curve and log data should be stored in LAS format, with a single LAS file per well.

The first time you import a well for use in DUG Insight, you will use the Well Import dialog to create a duwell file. The duwell file describes the well, and contains pointers to the LAS, checkshot, deviation, and markers files.

You can also bulk import all well data to create a new well.

Create well file

Create well file

  1. From the Control Panel, open the Well tab.
  2. Click on the Add icon and select New Well.
  3. The New Well window will be displayed.

  1. Fill in all of the relevant information for your well and click Create Well.
  2. Once you have a duwell file, you can load it by clicking on the Add icon and select Load Wells already in the project.

Checkshot (time-depth) Surveys

Time-to-depth information is required for DUG Insight to display well data in time. Checkshot data points require two values:

  • the measured depth at the well, and
  • its corresponding two-way-time

The depth column label should indicate the depth datum. Expected depth labels are:

  • MDKB: Measured Depth from Kelly Bushing / Round Table
  • MDSS: Measured Depth Sub Sea
  • MD: Measured Depth (assumed to be MDKB)

The time column label should be "TWT". No other time formats are accepted.

Sample checkshot survey:

                Time-depth survey for Well-1 2 MDKB    TWT 1210.00 1170.07 1710.00 1500.07 2210.00 1800.04 2700.00 2150.06 3200.00 2520.03 3730.00 2810.07 4000.00 2960.74              

Deviation Surveys

Deviation surveys are required for DUG Insight to accurately display deviated wells. Deviation surveys require four values for each point:

  • the measured depth
  • the true vertical depth
  • the UTM X coordinate at this depth
  • the UTM Y coordinate at this depth

The measured depth column label should indicate the datum. Expected measured depth labels are:

  • MDKB: Measured Depth from Kelly Bushing / Round Table
  • MDSS: Measured Depth Sub Sea
  • MD: Measured Depth (assumed to be MDKB)

The true vertical depth column label should indicate the datum. Expected true vertical depth labels are:

  • TVDKB: True Vertical Depth from Kelly Bushing / Round Table
  • TVDSS: True Vertical Depth Sub Sea
  • TVDBML: True Vertical Depth Below Mud Line
  • TVD: True Vertical Depth (assumed to be TVDKB)

The UTM X and Y columns should be labelled "UTMX" and "UTMY" or "X" and "Y", respectively.

Sample deviation survey:

                Deviation survey for Well-1 4 MDKB       TVDSS       X            Y 0.00       -20.06      39844.56     24589.34 1000.00    1020.02     39844.47     24588.95 2000.00    1990.05     39845.82     24590.47 3000.00    2980.00     39895.21     24524.15 4000.00    3410.03     40453.486    23864.922 5000.00    3910.05     41009.257    23219.492 6000.00    4890.06     41036.517    23192.534              

Well Markers

Markers are text labels applied to points along the well path. Well marker files require two values:

  • the marker name (the text placed beside the point at the well)
  • the marker depth

The marker name column should be a short description of the point. Spaces and commas are not allowed in the name. We recommend the use of underscore '_' or hyphens '-' to replace spaces. The marker name column should be labelled "Name".

The marker depth column should indicate the datum, as above.

Sample marker file:

                Markers for Well-1 2 NAME          MDKB WaterBottom   185.0 Cretaceous    2700.00 Jurassic      3200.00 Triassic      3730.00 Permian       4000.00              

Bulk import well data

Bulk import well data

Well data that was exported to OWX and ASC format can also be imported as a new well.

  1. To bulk export well data, right click on the well in the Control Panel and select Export > All data (OWX format).
  2. To import this file, open the Import menu and select Well Data.

Well That Was A Load Of


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