
Google Turns On New Blogger Interface

Google has been tinkering with the interface of its blogging platform, Blogger, for months, and it's finally rolling prohibited the changes it's made crossways the service. On Wednesday, Google announced that the changes–which should make the interface easier to use and to a greater extent efficient–will cost coming into court shortly.

Blogger's graphics consume been improved, but it doesn't stop in that location. According to Blogger Product Manager Chang Kim, "We've rewritten the entire editing and management experience from scratch so IT's faster and more efficient for you—and easier for us to update and improve over time," Kim wrote in a ship's company blog.

Since posting to a blog is the most important affair for bloggers, Google has made accessing the editor for writing and modifying posts smoother and swifter. Whether a blogger is in dashboard mode or on the settings varlet, they can return to the card editor by clicking a clitoris at the tops of those pages.

The post editor has been simplified and expanded to offer Sir Thomas More place for writing and reviewing posts.

The dashboard also has a New Look–nowadays it has an "Overview" section. This section gives bloggers a quick snap of activity at their blog. It has a graph of recent traffic numbers, for example. It also gives bloggers a opinion of recent commentary activity and a tally of follower counts. And for inspiration, the incision includes subservient links, a feed of updates from other bloggers and a vitrin of other blogs that Google thinks will interest the blogger.

Another alteration in the new interface is the replacement of the "Monetization" tab with an "Earnings" tab. This change is primarily ornamental, but is part of Google's efforts to make the oral communicatio it uses throughout its services easier for users to understand.

Whether it's called Monetization or Earnings, the tab still refers to income earned away a blogger through and through AdSense ads situated on their blog pages. When AdSense is activated through the pill, Blogger mechanically retrieves earnings information from AdSense, saving the blogger a trigger to the AdSense Web site.

Google has been touting the Blogger changes since Parade. Even though Blogger has consistently been one of the top 10 visited websites connected the Internet, it has changed very little for more than a decade. In its first major upgrade in 2004, e.g., the Blogger dashboard was enlarged and improved to allow posting by email. In 2006, it allowed blog posts to glucinium categorized and drag out-and-drop to be used when laying out pages. And…that's about it.

Recently, though, up-and-coming services such as Tumblr have outshined Blogger with slick interfaces, mobile apps, and better content discovery systems. More importantly, though, is that the new blogging services found ways to incorporate social networking techniques into what they offer. That friendly networking slant is something Google hopes to cash in on, to a fault, with its Blogger revamp.

Follow freelance engineering author John P. Mello Jr. and Today@PCWorld on Chitter.


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